# Installation - Ubuntu

We have confirmed the operation on Ubuntu 18.04.

# Install with apt-get

You can install GridDB using apt.

If you prefer a video:

First create the Apt Repo File:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb https://www.griddb.net/apt griddb/5.7 multiverse" >  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/griddb.list'

And then import the key:

wget -qO - https://www.griddb.net/apt/griddb.asc | sudo apt-key add -

Then install GridDB:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install griddb-meta

With that command, GridDB, the c-client, the JDBC connector, and the GridDB CLI will be installed onto your machine.

And now, you can start your GridDB server

$ sudo systemctl start gridstore

To stop your server:

$ sudo systemctl stop gridstore

Once your server is running, you can drop into the shell (java is required):

$ sudo su gsadm
$ gs_sh

# User and directory structure after installation

The following are the default values when you install and start a new GridDB instance.

This is the output of gs_stat -u <user>/<pass> (the default user and password are both admin)

gsadm@server:/home$ gs_stat -u admin/admin
A00105: GS_HOME, GS_LOG environment variable not set.
gsadm@server:/home$ source ~/.bash_profile
gsadm@server:/home$ gs_stat -u admin/admin
    "checkpoint": {
        "backupOperation": 0,
        "duplicateLog": 0,
        "endTime": 1704321958864,
        "mode": "NORMAL_CHECKPOINT",
        "normalCheckpointOperation": 8,
        "pendingPartition": 0,
        "periodicCheckpoint": "ACTIVE",
        "requestedCheckpointOperation": 0,
        "startTime": 1704321958792
    "cluster": {
        "activeCount": 1,
        "applyRuleLimitTime": "2024-01-03T22:50:03.095Z",
        "autoGoal": "ACTIVE",
        "clusterName": "myCluster",
        "clusterRevisionId": "1b7bf220-84d2-4a75-9d5e-fe7cbd7dd96d",
        "clusterRevisionNo": 530,
        "clusterStatus": "MASTER",
        "currentRule": "Initial",
        "designatedCount": 1,
        "loadBalancer": "ACTIVE",
        "master": {
            "address": "",
            "port": 10040
        "nodeList": [
                "address": "",
                "port": 10040
        "nodeStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "notificationMode": "FIXED_LIST",
        "partitionStatus": "NORMAL",
        "startupTime": "2024-01-03T22:05:52.095Z",
        "syncCount": 2
    "currentTime": "2024-01-03T22:50:05Z",
    "performance": {
        "backgroundMinRate": 0.1,
        "backupCount": 0,
        "checkpointFileFlushCount": 128,
        "checkpointFileFlushTime": 67,
        "checkpointWrite": 0,
        "checkpointWriteCompressTime": 0,
        "checkpointWriteSize": 0,
        "checkpointWriteTime": 0,
        "currentTime": 1704322205315,
        "dataFileAllocateSize": 327680,
        "dataFileSize": 327680,
        "dataFileUsageRate": 0.6,
        "expirationDetail": {
            "batchScanNum": 2000,
            "batchScanTotalNum": 0,
            "batchScanTotalTime": 0,
            "erasableExpiredTime": "",
            "estimatedBatchFree": 0,
            "estimatedErasableExpiredTime": "",
            "lastBatchFree": 0,
            "latestExpirationCheckTime": "Under measurement"
        "logFileFlushCount": 256,
        "logFileFlushTime": 2498,
        "numBackground": 0,
        "numConnection": 1,
        "numNoExpireTxn": 0,
        "numSession": 0,
        "numTxn": 0,
        "ownerCount": 128,
        "peakProcessMemory": 130265088,
        "poolBufferMemory": 65536,
        "processMemory": 130265088,
        "sqlNumConnection": 1,
        "sqlStoreSwapRead": 0,
        "sqlStoreSwapReadSize": 0,
        "sqlStoreSwapReadTime": 0,
        "sqlStoreSwapWrite": 0,
        "sqlStoreSwapWriteSize": 0,
        "sqlStoreSwapWriteTime": 0,
        "storeCompressionMode": "NO_BLOCK_COMPRESSION",
        "storeDetail": {
            "batchFreeMapData": {
                "storeMemory": 0,
                "storeUse": 0,
                "swapRead": 0,
                "swapWrite": 0
            "batchFreeRowData": {
                "storeMemory": 0,
                "storeUse": 0,
                "swapRead": 0,
                "swapWrite": 0
            "mapData": {
                "storeMemory": 0,
                "storeUse": 65536,
                "swapRead": 0,
                "swapWrite": 0
            "metaData": {
                "storeMemory": 65536,
                "storeUse": 65536,
                "swapRead": 1,
                "swapWrite": 0
            "rowData": {
                "storeMemory": 0,
                "storeUse": 65536,
                "swapRead": 0,
                "swapWrite": 0
        "storeMemory": 65536,
        "storeMemoryLimit": 1073741824,
        "storeTotalUse": 196608,
        "swapRead": 1,
        "swapReadSize": 65536,
        "swapReadTime": 4,
        "swapReadUncompressTime": 0,
        "swapWrite": 0,
        "swapWriteCompressTime": 0,
        "swapWriteSize": 0,
        "swapWriteTime": 0,
        "totalBackupLsn": 0,
        "totalLockConflictCount": 0,
        "totalOtherLsn": 0,
        "totalOwnerLsn": 11,
        "totalReadOperation": 0,
        "totalRowRead": 0,
        "totalRowWrite": 0,
        "totalWriteOperation": 0,
        "txnDetail": {
            "totalBackgroundOperation": 0
    "recovery": {
        "progressRate": 1
    "version": "5.3.0-39942 CE"

In here you can see your version, cluster name, etc.

# ⚠️ Note

  • When you install this package, a gsadm OS user are created in the OS. Execute the operating command as the gsadm user.
    # su - gsadm
    $ pwd
  • You do not need to set environment variable GS_HOME and GS_LOG. And the place of operating command is set to environment variable PATH.
  • There is Java client library (gridstore.jar) on /usr/share/java and a sample on /usr/gridb-XXX/docs/sample/programs.

When the GridDB package is installed, the following users and directory structure will be created.

# GridDB users and group

The OS group gridstore and user gsadm are created. Use the user gsadm as the operator of GridDB.

User Group GridDB home directory path
gsadm gridstore /var/lib/gridstore

The following environment variables are defined for user gsadm (in the .bash_profile file):

Environment variables Value Meaning
GS_HOME /var/lib/gridstore User gsadm/GridDB home directory
GS_LOG /var/lib/gridstore/log The output directory of the event log file of a node

# Directory hierarchy

The following two directories are created: GridDB home directory which contains files such as a node definition file and database files, the installation directory which contains the installed files.

# GridDB home directory
/var/lib/gridstore/                      #GridDB home directory
                   conf/                 # Definition file directory
                        gs_cluster.json  #Cluster definition file
                        gs_node.json     #Node definition file
                        password         #User definition file
                   data/                 # Database file directory
                   log/                  # Log directory
# Installation directory
Installation directory
            bin/                        # Operation command, module directory
            conf/                       #Definition file directory
                gs_cluster.json         # Custer definition file
                gs_node.json            #Node definition file
                password                #User definition file

# Install with deb

Please download the appropriate package files from the GridDB Github page.

Then, install the package of your target OS.

$ sudo dpkg -i griddb_-X.X.X-linux.amd64.deb
X.X.X means version

# Build/execution method

An example on how to build and execute a program is as shown.

[For Java]

  1. Setting environment variables
  2. Edit java Sample file to adhere to network mode (GridDB default is now FIXED_LIST mode, this uses notification_member instead of host & port)
  3. Copy the sample program to the gsSample directory
  4. Build
  5. Run
$ export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:/usr/share/java/gridstore.jar:.
$ mkdir gsSample
$ vim gsSample/Sample1.java
$ cp /usr/gridstore-X.X.X/docs/sample/program/Sample1.java gsSample/.
$ javac gsSample/Sample1.java
$ java gsSample/Sample1 setup_cluster_name admin your_password

# GridDB uninstallation

If you no longer need GridDB, uninstall the package. Execute the following procedure with root authority.


$ sudo apt remove griddb-meta

# ⚠️ Note

  • Files under the GridDB home directory such as definition files and data files will not be uninstalled. If you do not need it, delete it manually.